HOW TO INFORMATION: Double click a unit to display its default weapon Based off Cruzz's work Currently maintained by Gabriel Discord: Gabriel#6427 Special thanks to: Hash_Silencer Li - who painstakingly updated the CoH2 Modding Tools XML data to the September 9th 2021 ( patch for the ( 5/4/24 update) Descolata - for helping me understand the Attribute Editor NorthernSprint - for keeping me company and helping with XML parsing And everyone else who's given support and helped point out mistakes 5/9/24 - Added Luftwaffe Field Officer 5/4/24 - Updated to September 9th 2021 ( patch - Added Raid Section - Updated partisan SPBS file to the non SMG one 1/8/21 - Fixed missing data for Cromwell Mk. IV Cruiser (was a typo) - Fixed "vetted" not displaying on legend when comparing vet guns to non vet guns - Fixed legend displaying incorrect weapon name when comparing weapons from two differnt units - Fixed not being able to compare MGs together (eg. MG42 and Maxim) 6/6/20 - Fixed KV-8 displaying KV-2's stats - Fixed freezing when viewing penals and cav riflemen - Fixed improper data type for bonus damage (Didn't cause bugs but was still wrong data type) - Fixed missing names for guns (PPSH, German Team K98 etc...) - Changed default weapon selection from automatic to double clicking on the unit type 6/3/20 - Initial launch